Battling Against the Unpredictable: The Importance of Thinking Ahead

When a crisis strikes, what is your plan? Is it written down? Can your employees easily access that plan? Are your employees aware of the necessary steps they must take in the case of an emergency?

These are all questions you as a business owner should be asking yourself. And yes, we are living in unprecedented times, but even when a vaccine is widely distributed and people are safely able to return to the office, we will still be living in a world of unpredictability. In the business world, it is critical that your employees know exactly what they should do in the case of an emergency of any type.

Of course, every business has comprehensive plans already set in place for certain emergencies, ranging from fire safety and building evacuation to first aid, including cardiac incidents and related AEDs. However, none of us had expected the horrendous thunder and windstorms that ripped through Boston and the suburbs just two weeks ago. As a result of a cold front hitting New England, the region experienced wind gusts up to 70 miles per hour that knocked over trees, tore down power lines, and cracked sidewalk tiles. 

According to the Boston Globe, 240,000 customers throughout Massachusetts ended up losing power at one point during the night of the storm. Individuals not only saw their daily commutes to work disrupted due to destruction of the roads, but many also experienced damage to their homes and neighborhoods.

This relatively small, but still devastating storm could have not come during a worse time — a large number of employees across all types of businesses are still working remotely and rely on power in order to complete their daily tasks. Additionally, with phone lines being down, many workers lost their internet connection, which is generally the foundation of successful remote work. With no connectivity, businesses may have lost their ability to communicate to the rest of their team, and may not be able to reach important revenue and project deadlines. As a result, this roadblock tends to increase everyone’s panic and stress due to confusion as to how to proceed with their work, knowing it may not be finished. 

As you’re planning for the balance of the current quarter and starting to look towards your planning for the onset 2021, at Evans Brothers Consulting, we believe it’s necessary to make sure you do everything in order to ensure nothing will slow your business down.

Now is the time to create a plan for the unexpected, because you do not want to wait until it is too late. Create a plan for your employees for when power is lost again and ensure that there is a way for them to complete their work in a safe and efficient manner, even if resources at your business are temporarily unavailable.

With the combined experience in electric distribution and management, fire safety and compliance, and risk assessment, there is no better team to aid your business in forming a plan to combat the dangers of unpredictable weather than the Evans Brothers. Through a site safety evaluation as well as implementation assistance, we can ensure your business is ready to confront the next storm that hits with ease and allow for you to focus on the work that matters most to you and your clients.

Connect with us at any time for a confidential, no-cost discussion regarding your concerns on accident assessment and overall risk management.