Preparing for a Boston Winter

Since 1872, Boston the highest recorded snowfall for October was 1.1 inches, a record that was crushed this Halloween weekend. On Friday the 30th, Boston experienced its first round of snow that amounted to over four inches, allowing the community to create snowmen and start snowball fights. Although snow in October is exciting and leaves a beautiful white blanket over orange leaves, it comes with concerns for homes and businesses. 

Now is the time to prepare for the upcoming winter weather New England experiences each year, since, as proven this past Halloween, a storm can hit at any moment. Even though the weather has been in the low 70s, making it feel more like the middle of summer than November but, this is the perfect time to start getting prepared. 

There are many grades of snow storms ranging from flurries, that make the roads only slightly slick, to full winter storms, that bring down power lines and bury cars in snow. When you are looking to prepare for a snow storm, there is a lot to think about beyond having a shovel ready and keeping an extra supply of food in the house —  household and business staples that began last March with the onset of the pandemic. In terms of your business infrastructure it is important to: 

    1. Communicate with Your EmployeesKnowing the dangers of a winter storm and having a plan set in place in the case of employees being stuck at home, power outages, or other issues that can arise during a storm. There should be a plan in place in case of communication interruption that lets employees know if they are expected to come into work or not, and how they should proceed if work from home is an option. Informing your employees of a plan will create a calm environment.
    2. Form an Emergency Contact List: Knowing who to call for snow removal, to fix the  electrical system, and provide emergency services will allow for a faster mediation of the situation. People who should be added to the contact list include: snow removal, fire department, electrician, plumber, landlord, insurance company, and Evans Brothers Consulting. 
    3. Emergency Supply Kit:  An emergency preparedness kit is necessary on the off chance that you or your employees are stuck at their location of work, whether it be in the office or at home. It should contain
      • extra layers of clothing
      • blankets
      • bottled water
      • a shovel and salt
      • flashlights and/or candles
      • first aid kit
    4. Check on your carbon monoxide detectors: Make sure that the smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in your business have working batteries, especially if you plan on using a generator. Generators should only be run outside as they produce a large amount of harmful carbon monoxide.
    5. Look Out for Power Lines: Power lines can go down due to high winds during a winter storm, so it is important to be checking around your business and to call your local power company if you see a wire down.
    6. Ensure Pipes Do Not Freeze: In order to prevent the pipes in your business from freezing and subsequent ruptures or leaks, make sure your heat is on in order to prevent flooding or water damage.

With Evans Brothers Consulting’s expertise, we can help your business assess, prepare for, and manage any possible risks as well as determine any hazards to your business. With our corporate risk assessment, we can ensure that your business is ready to thrive this upcoming winter. Give us a call, and we can get you started on strategies and techniques to keep your business safe against this winter.

No one knows Boston better than the Evan’s Brothers.