Happy Holidays from the Evans Brothers!

Happy Holidays from Evans Brothers Consulting!

With the end of 2020 in very near sight, the team at Evans Brothers Consulting would like to take a moment to reflect on our year. Almost 365 days ago, we were looking forward to the new year and the ability to build stronger connections with our peers. We would have never believed that the majority of our year would be spent meeting over Zoom calls, listening to updates from the CDC, and living through a pandemic. 2020 has allowed us to become masters of internet calls, work with new clients, and spend some extra quality time with our families. Regardless of all that 2020 threw at us, we are grateful for what 2020 brought our company, our employees and our customers. 

We are extending our hearts to all who were affected by the pandemic and other events during the year. . We would also like to take a moment to think about our frontline healthcare workers, shop owners keeping our communities alive, and families who have had to adjust to online learning and remote work. Thank you for your strength and resilience. We are confident the pandemic will soon fade, and “together again” will become the new motto for 2021.

Thank you for your continued support and we are looking forward to ringing in the New Year with you.

Happy Holidays, and have a Happy New Year!

The Evans Brothers