Meet the Brothers of Evans Brothers Consulting: Tom Evans

Every Bostonian knows the image of the Boston skyline, lit up in the dark, from the Cambridge side of the Charles. With just under 50 square miles of land, Boston has hundreds of power lines that serve our businesses, homes, schools, and coveted sports facilities. It takes a team of hardworking, dedicated, and brilliant minds to be able to keep a city’s electrical system functioning properly and flawlessly.

Tom got his start in the utility business working for a local water delivery company. He knew he wanted to follow his brother’s footsteps in serving his beloved Boston, but chose a different route other than fire and policing. After a few years working at the water company, Evans was offered a job at an electrical company, Boston Edison, where he began his career in electrical delivery. Boston Edison has gone through many name changes, first becoming NStar, which eventually merged with CT Power and Light to become Eversource.

Today, Evans works as a Distribution Service Designer at Eversource. He designs and implements electrical delivery plans for both underground and overhead electrical systems. This work includes preparing field notes, drawings, and specifications that are based on a scope of work document provided by the customer. He has worked in electrical for over 37 years and his projects mostly include home electrical delivery in the Greater Boston Area.

Tom is a committed and determined worker who thrives in a collaborative environment. Not only has he grown up with four brothers, a feat in cooperation in itself, but Tom has also worked in a variety of team settings throughout his career and is ready to listen and collaborate with you and other executives. He is known as the “social director” of his brothers and is the most outgoing of the four. His motivational and organizational skills have translated into him taking a leadership role in the company and organizing the efforts of the team on various projects. Tom describes that he “knows how to get work done.”

Tom was born and raised in South Boston and says, “I would not want to live anywhere else.” Although the community has changed significantly since his youth, South Boston is home and his admiration for the neighborhood and surrounding areas had never wavered. Outside of being a partner at Evans Brothers Consulting and working as an Electrical Service Designer, Tom enjoys time with his wife, two children, and three grandchildren. He also is known for his good-natured humor, including practical jokes.

No one knows Boston like the Evans Brothers.

Contact Tom:


Phone: 617-838-0058