Meet the Brothers of Evans Brothers Consulting: Bill Evans

If you live in Boston, it can be sure you have heard the name William “Bill” Evans. Bill most notably served as the Boston Police Commissioner from 2013 until 2018. He joined the Boston Police force in 1980 and moved up the ranks until he finally became Police Commissioner. During his time of service, Bill achieved numerous accomplishments, including the capture and arrest of the Boston Marathon Bomber in 2013, the management of a $280 million dollar budget, and coordination over 3,000 employees. 

Bill is the youngest of the Evans brothers, and due to his small stature has been given the nickname “mouse” by his family. He grew up with his brothers in a double-decker house in South Boston and, like his brothers, has never left the city. In recounting his childhood, Bill describes South Boston as a close-knit community where he played little league with his brothers, was able to go on long runs to the beach, and spend time with neighbors whom he keeps in contact with to this day. Being the youngest of 6 brothers, Bill was the target of much brotherly teasing and describes how his dad used to shake down his brothers in his defense to make sure they gave him money. Even today, you will experience loving brotherly banter between the Evans brothers. 

William is an avid runner and has completed 57 marathons during his lifetime. On the day of the Boston bombing, Bill was relaxing after having completed the marathon himself when he got the call that two bombs had gone off at the finish line in downtown Boston. William was up for over 72 hours chasing and eventually capturing the man who set off the bombs, right after finishing running 26.2 miles. 

Bill does not consider the arrest of the Boston Bomber his greatest accomplishment. During his time as Commissioner, he not only brought crime down by 25%, but he brought arrests down by 25%. Additionally, the positivity rating for the Boston police was over 80% under William Evans. Bill also describes that he takes the most pride in watching his brother’s successes and their ability to persevere despite facing an abundance of adversity during their childhood and into adulthood. 

William Evans has a wealth of knowledge and is the highest qualified person to aid your business in risk assessment and crisis management.  Bill advises to “do your homework” when doing a risk assessment. He claims success will come from gathering as much information as possible, running through what-if situations, and getting his team involved. Bill advises, “you can never do enough planning.” He is a deeply involved leader and takes pride in his commitment to a hands-on approach to crisis management, event planning, and prevention of risks. 

“Never say it cannot happen to us. Always have a plan. Always be prepared. Always be ready.” 

Today, William serves as the head of security at Boston College and enjoys time with his family in both South Boston and in Kennebunkport, Maine. 

No one knows Boston like the Evans Brothers.

Contact William: 
