Increase in Social Unrest and Firearms Heightening Fear

Throughout the country, there has been concern over the growing number of active shooter incidents. In just the past three weeks, we have seen three major active shooter cases broadcasted across numerous television networks, and you can read through pages upon pages of recent mass shootings on Gun Violence Archive’s tracker.

Does the pandemic have anything to do with it? Possibly. Stress has increased significantly due to job loss, working from home, and the general uncertainty of everything. Kaiser Family Foundation reports that 4 in 10 U.S. adults have experienced depressive or anxiety symptoms since the onset of the pandemic, and consumption of alcohol and substance use is up 12% since the start of 2020. People are currently more stressed and more scared than they have been in years.

Social unrest has led to a sharp increase in the number of firearms being purchased across the country.

Small arms analytics reports that 23 million guns were purchased in 2020, which is a 65% increase from 2019, where 13.9 million guns were sold.

Stores that carry guns and ammunition are watching their shelves continuously clear out by people who, prior to 2020, were not often seen purchasing guns. People who years ago would have never even thought of purchasing a gun are now going out and buying one to keep in their homes as protection. A 38-year-old recently told a CNN reporter, “It just seems like we live in chaos and this is giving me some kind of control over that chaos,” when asked why she chose to buy a gun.

The sheer volume of firearms has certainly contributed to increasing numbers of this country’s gun violence. Is there any aspect of our lives that has been immune to mass shootings? We have seen them in our schools, churches, factories, entertainment venues, shopping malls, and homes. There is so much firepower out there that every major city across the county has seen an uptake in gun violence.

The sad reality is that it is everywhere.

In 2020 alone:

  • Nearly 20,000 Americans died from gun violence
  • There was the highest rise in homicides since the U.S. started keeping records
  • Gunshot injuries increased to 40,000

With the rise in active shooters, it is important now, more than ever, to have a plan to protect your employees and your business. This does not only include knowing what you should do if an active shooter enters the premises but knowing what to expect from law enforcement.

If you are worried about your business, we are here to help you.

Take the initiative today and contact or call 617-545-1500 to set up a short, no-cost, preliminary discussion.

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