Active Shooter Response: What You Need to Know

With the continuous increase in active shooter incidents, Evans Brothers Consulting believes it is beneficial to have a general idea of how to respond to an active shooter during the worst-case scenario. We believe in the importance of preparedness, and it will only help you and your employees/coworkers to have an idea of how to respond to an active shooter. Although the chances of an active shooting are unlikely, they will always be unexpected and unpredictable.

We have outlined the basic principles of responding to an active shooter incident, in the unlikely (but possible) event that you find yourself in one.

Evacuate: If you are able to physically remove yourself from the area where the shooting is taking place, do so. Prior to running, plan out an evacuation plan so that you are able to move as swiftly as possible without hesitation. Every second counts in an active shooter incident, so it is important that you quickly think of any barriers or hazards that would prevent you from exiting the area. If you are in a group and others do not agree to evacuate, continue to do so as this will always be the best option if you are able to evacuate safely. Finally, leave all belongings behind and make sure to keep your hands visible at all times.

Hideout: If you are unable to evacuate, find a place to hide. The ideal hiding place creates distance between you and the shooter and is out of view. Your hiding spot should be in an area that would allow you to evacuate if the opportunity arises, and does not trap you in the hiding spot. Additionally, your hiding place should provide protection from gunshots in the event that the active shooter passes through the area, or identifies your location. Make sure to lock all doors and barricade doors and windows if you are able to. Close blinds and remain far from windows to avoid being seen from the outside. Finally, call 911 and if you are unable to speak, leave the phone on and allow the dispatcher to listen to the situation.

Last resort – Confront the Active Shooter: Confronting the active shooter should always be the last resort after exhausting all other options. Only confront the shooter if you believe your life is in imminent danger. Use makeshift weapons, physical aggression, and throw items at the shooter such as chairs and water bottles to try to incapacitate the active shooter. Be sure to commit to your actions, as hesitation can clue the active shooter into what your action will be and give them more time to prepare.

Some final tips for responding to an active shooter incident include:

  1. Turn off your phone ringer and lower the brightness
  2. Remain silent to keep your hiding spot concealed
  3. Learn how law enforcement will enter an active shooter incident & listen to what law enforcement instructs you to do

Although having a general idea of how to respond to an active shooter is helpful, a full active shooter training session will provide you and your employees with all of the necessary information to stay as safe as possible during an active shooting. Our team has a wealth of experience in law enforcement and are the best equipped to train you and your team on how to respond to an active shooter.

Take the initiative today and contact or call 617-545-1500 to set up a short, no-cost, preliminary discussion.

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