William Evans Runs 22nd Boston Marathon

This past Monday, our very own William Evans ran his 22nd Boston Marathon, which is his 58th marathon overall. Just a few days ago, William deliberated if he would be sitting this one out, due to hip pain. Two years ago, William broke his hip, causing a huge halt in his training and forcing him to take time off as he allowed for full recovery. William mentions, “it was nice to get back on the route.”

Traditionally, the Boston Marathon is held in April on Patriots’ Day, but due to the ongoing pandemic it was delayed to Monday, October 11th. Despite the non-traditional date, thousands of Boston natives, family members, and friends were able to make it out to the course. In an interview with CBS Boston, William notes “It was great to see everybody come out and cheer on the runners.”

Although 58 marathons is quite the feat, William has set a goal of completing 60 marathons in his lifetime. He tells CBS Boston, “I’m gonna keep going until I break down completely.” If all goes to plan, William will be running his 23rd Boston Marathon and 59th overall marathon this upcoming Patriots’ Day.  

Marathon Monday is not only a day of celebration for the runners and our city, but it is a day of remembrance for those who lost their lives in 2013. There is not a person in Boston, or in the United States, who does not remember or know about the Boston Marathon bombing that resulted in the death of three individuals and the injury of hundreds. We would like to thank the Boston Police Department and the departments located throughout the race for ensuring the safety of both the runners and onlookers. 

We are Boston Strong.