Your 2022 Risk Register

The Evans Brothers Consulting team recommends that every year businesses update their risk register. As a brief refresh from our previous blogs, a risk register is a comprehensive spreadsheet that includes all possible risks your company may face, and how to mitigate and respond to them. The goal of creating a risk register is to try and predict all adverse events that could potentially occur, and be ready to quickly respond if an emergency arises. Building a risk register? Read our former blog which highlights the steps to create a risk register.

What types of issues should we prepare for in 2022?

Supply Chain Shortages
Consumer demand is higher than pre-pandemic time and the manufacturing industry is trying its best to keep up, although this has proven to be impossible. The risk a company can experience from their supply chain is at its peak as the supply chain is in a crisis and there is an unforeseeable ending. Adopting your risk register to methodically go through the vulnerabilities can prevent the supply chain from disrupting your business operations.

Active Shooter Incidents:
In 2021, there were 638 mass shootings in the United States, ranging from 35 to 85 mass shootings per month. Your risk register should include risk mitigation measures for if there is an active shooting at your business, if you are concerned about one of your employees or clients, or if an employee brings a gun into the workplace. Although active shooter incidents are unlikely, they do occur and your business and employees should be prepared.

Employee Stress due to the Ongoing Pandemic:
The world is heading into its third year of the Covid-19 pandemic and the stress levels of individuals have not yet decreased. Burnout and stress are at all-time highs across all professions. In your risk register, adapt current employee stress mitigation measures to include the threat of a new variant in 2022, and the possibility of an additional lockdown.

Work Fatigue:
There have been numerous changes in work formats and daily routines of workers during the past three years. The constant change, unusual work environment, and isolation from co-workers have caused many to feel fatigued and burnt-out at work. Your risk register for 2022 should include ways to increase employee morale and methods to help employees who are struggling to stay engaged and motivated during the year, especially into Q3 and Q4.

At Evans Brothers Consulting, we have been in the risk mitigation industry for over 100 combined years. We have seen everything and can use our wealth of experience to help your business build a risk register of its own.

Take the initiative today and contact or call 617-545-1500 to set up a short, no-cost, preliminary discussion.

No one knows Boston like the Evans Brothers.