New Year’s Resolutions to Bolster Your Company’s Security and Safety

As we enter the New Year, it is the perfect opportunity to put forth resolutions to bolster your company’s security. Bolstering your company’s security gives you the best chance to stay safe this year. After almost two years of completely remote work, our world is moving on to the new “new normal” as people are going back into the office. As companies return to in-person work, security measures must be in place. One thing no business executive should worry about is the safety of their employees. That being said, keeping your employees safe is of utmost priority. 

Break Your Bad Habits and Become Aware. 

When you look at something every day, you become accustomed to it. We naturally become conditioned to look at hazards and stop viewing them as a threat to safety as time goes on. These bad habits can come from laziness and negligence, and it is easy to find yourself thinking, “it has always been like this.” As we enter February, it is the perfect opportunity to break these habits and heighten your awareness. 

Steps you can take to Bolster your Company’s Security:

Active Shooter Training. There has been a substantial increase in firearm purchases and firearm violence in the United States since the onset of COVID-19. In the United States, hardly a week goes by without workplace gun violence. An important question to ask yourself is if an active shooter enters your business’s premises, would you and your employees know what to do? Proper active shooter training will ensure that you are programmed to properly respond to an active shooter. It guarantees that at the onset of an active shooting your team will be prepared and safe. 

Site Safety Evaluation. Companies are going back to the office for the first time in two years. Because of this, it is important to ensure the office space is up to date. One way you can boost your company’s safety and ensure your office space is up to date is a site safety evaluation. A site safety evaluation is a comprehensive inspection, review, and report on the general infrastructure and exterior elements of a commercial building. 

Emergency Response Planning. Even with the best event planning and security, emergencies might arise. It is important to do as much as possible to keep your company safe in case of a disaster.  Having an emergency response plan in place can help your business survive a disaster. The key is preparation! 

At Evans Brothers Consulting, we are experts in security and safety. Let us take some of the weight off of your shoulders as we bolster your company’s security in the New Year! 

Take the initiative today and contact or call 617-545-1500 to set up a short, no-cost, preliminary discussion.

No one knows Boston like the Evans Brothers!