How to Stay Safe on Public Transportation

How to Stay Safe on Public Transportation

As more people plan to return to work, public transportation is getting busier and busier. Cities are attempting to return to pre pandemic life; however, there is one major barrier, public transportation crime. Crime rates on trains and buses have skyrocketed in some of the largest cities including, New York City, San Francisco, Philadelphia, and Los Angeles. Weekly, we see instances of violent crime on public transportation including the shooting of ten individuals in a Brooklyn subway station and frequent instances of theft on Chicago transit. As we enter the summer, it is important to know how to keep yourself safe while traveling via public transportation.

Tips for being safe on public transportation

Know your exits. When on any form of transportation, bus, subway, train, etc. check where the nearest exits are in case of an emergency. Exits provide a clear, safe way to leave in case of a crisis. It is particularly important to know where the closest exit is when the mode of transportation is packed as people could be blocking your line of sight to an exit nearby. Also, use your judgment, and if you think the space is too crowded wait for the next one.

Plan Your Route: Taking extra time to navigate public transportation could leave you vulnerable. Additionally, alert a friend or family member of your travel route and the times you will be on public transport.

Stay where the people are: Try to remain in populated areas and avoid riding in empty cars. If you are riding on an empty bus, try and sit as close to the driver and be alert as to what is happening around you.

Sit in an Aisle Seat: By sitting in the aisle, you will have a better view of everything going on around you and if something were to go wrong, you are not boxed in.

Stay awake: While using public transportation, you are going to find yourself amongst a group of strangers. It is imperative to be aware of your surroundings and cognisant of who might be sitting near you. Whether it’s grabbing a cup of coffee or bringing your headphones for the ride, make sure you keep your eyes peeled and stay alert.

Keep your Belongings Close: Either leave your bags on your lap, by your feet, or hold onto them. Do not leave belongings on an empty seat.

Wait for Public Transit in a Busy, Well-Lit Place

Avoid Showing Expensive Items: If you are wearing expensive jewelry, an expensive watch, or other valuable items, try to conceal them as best as possible to avoid becoming a target for theft.

Listen to Your Gut: If you think something is wrong, trust your gut and listen to your intuition. It is always safest to err on the side of caution and prepare for the worst than to find yourself in a dangerous situation.

Know how to Respond to an Active Shooter: There has been a rise in shootings over the past few years, and it is important to be equipped with the proper knowledge if a shooter enters a public transportation vehicle.

If you are traveling on public transportation, take the proper precautions and be prepared to be alert during the entire course of travel.