Father’s Day: Celebrating All Types of Father Figures

Father’s Day: Celebrating All Types of Father Figures

In an age where news headlines are composed of predominantly bad events, it is especially important to acknowledge the good that happens, as well– no matter how small it is. Father’s Day is an opportunity to give thanks and spend time with the men in your life, whether that be fathers or grandfathers, that have helped shape the way you were raised. If Father’s Day is one of those holidays that you glaze over because you spend so much time with your father, consider yourself lucky. This day can also be very challenging for those that might not have a father, or whose father has passed. For this reason, it is imperative to recognize all of the people in your life who might wear the shoes of a father-figure. Here are some examples of these father-figures in your life, how they effectively step into this role, and how to celebrate them:

  • Coach. We’ve all seen movies and TV shows about coaches playing a large role in a young person’s life (most notably The Blind Side), and welcoming these athletes into their family. Whether your coach goes out of their way to drive you to practice or spends extra time working on skills with you because there is no one else there, make sure you take the time to step back and say thank you.
  • Extended Family. No matter what anyone says, there is always a favorite Uncle, Aunt or relative that seems to be extra kind to you. It could be a cousin that makes sure to never forget to text you on your half-birthday, or even an older sister that includes you in her weekend plans. Whatever it is, it’s important to appreciate the extended family members that step in to create a sense of comfort when the time arises.
  • Friend’s Father. This could be a friend’s father that drives a carpool home from school or takes a group of kids mini-golfing on a hot summer day. Being a father tends to extend itself to the friends of your kids, as well. If one of your friends’ fathers always seemed to look out for you, a text on Father’s Day would go a long way.
  • Neighbor. Unlike some of these other people, a neighbor usually doesn’t choose to become one of these father-figures; it is more out of coincidence. There are times when your neighbor definitely does not want to be your father figure, for example, you keep losing balls in their yard! However, if one of your parents gets sick, food always seems to appear on your doorstep. This Father’s Day, try to go the extra mile and do something nice for this neighbor.
  • Professional. This represents teachers, doctors, clergy, and other professionals who fill in as a father-figure in a person’s life. These people are usually there in the toughest of times, which makes them so instrumental in a young person’s life.
  • Volunteer. Some people don’t have or can’t have kids, but love to be around young people. Volunteers help out in a wide variety of facets in life; this can range from a Big Brother/Big Sister to a Special Olympics volunteer. What these people provide is unrivaled care for what they do. They provide the comfort, security and attention that a father would give to these people.

As we approach Father’s Day this weekend, take the time to do something special for all of the father-figures in your life. If you live close to these people, spend time with them– that is the best gift. If proximity makes this a challenge, a simple text will go a long way. While Father’s Day can be celebrated in many different ways, remember to be smart, safe and enjoy the day.